Sooyoung Cha (차수영)
Assistant Professor
Software Analysis Laboratory,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
College of Computing and Informatics, Sungkyunkwan University.
I am always looking for motivated graduate/undergraduate students and postdocs to work with.
For more detailed information, see recruitment, publications, talks, or send me an email.
Research Areas
My research aims to develop software analysis techniques for safe and reliable software. In particular,
Data-driven software testing for automatically detecting software bugs [youtube]
Machine learning guided static analysis
Neural network testing
Educational Background
2016 ~ 2021, Ph.D. Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University
2014 ~ 2016, M.S. Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University
2008 ~ 2014, B.S. Computer Science and Engineering, Sejong University
Employed Positions
2021.09 ~ present, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
2021.03 ~ 2021.08, Research Professor, Korea University
Program Committee
FeatMaker: Automated Feature Engineering for Search Strategy of Symbolic Execution
Jaehan Yoon and Sooyoung Cha
FSE 2024: ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering
Learning Seed-Adaptive Mutation Strategies for Greybox Fuzzing
Myungho Lee, Sooyoung Cha, and Hakjoo Oh
ICSE 2023: International Conference on Software Engineering
Enhancing Dynamic Symbolic Execution by Automatically Learning Search Heuristics
Sooyoung Cha, Seongjoon Hong, Jiseong Bak, Jingyoung Kim, Junhee Lee, and Hakjoo Oh
TSE: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume 48, No. 9, 2022, Pages 3640- 3663.
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SymTuner: Maximizing the Power of Symbolic Execution by Adaptively Tuning External Parameters
Sooyoung Cha, Myungho Lee, Seokhyun Lee, and Hakjoo Oh
ICSE 2022: International Conference on Software Engineering
🏅ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
Making Symbolic Execution Promising by Learning Aggressive State-Pruning Strategy
Sooyoung Cha and Hakjoo Oh
ESEC/FSE 2020: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering.
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Effective White-Box Testing of Deep Neural Networks with Adaptive Neuron-Selection Strategy
Seokhyun Lee, Sooyoung Cha, Dain Lee and Hakjoo Oh
ISSTA 2020: The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis.
🏅ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
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Concolic Testing with Adaptively Changing Search Heuristics
Sooyoung Cha and Hakjoo Oh
ESEC/FSE 2019: ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering.
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A Scalable Learning Algorithm for Data-Driven Program Analysis
Sooyoung Cha, Sehun Jeong, and Hakjoo Oh
Information and Software Technology, Volume 104, 2018, Pages 1-13.
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Template-Guided Concolic Testing via Online Learning
Sooyoung Cha, Seonho Lee, and Hakjoo Oh
ASE 2018: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.
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Automatically Generating Search Heuristics for Concolic Testing
Sooyoung Cha, Seongjoon Hong, Junhee Lee, and Hakjoo Oh
ICSE 2018: International Conference on Software Engineering.
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Learning a Strategy for Choosing Widening Thresholds from a Large Codebase
Sooyoung Cha, Sehun Jeong, and Hakjoo Oh
APLAS 2016: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems.
[pdf] [slides]
Contact Information
Office 27318, Engineering Building 2
Sungkyunkwan University
2066, Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon, South Korea
(office) +